
Wh Questions A : Assalamualaikum.. how are you ? B : walaikumsallam, i am very well. By the way what is your name ? A : my name is putri, and you ? B : my name is jihan ! A : where are you from  ? B : i from jakarta, and where are you from ? A : me too, your shoes are very nice. Where did you buy your shoes ? B : i bought my shoes at the store next to the library. A : hmm may you help me get there ? B : sure, i will definitely pick you up at 03:00 Am. You can send me your home address. A : okay, thank you friend.
Jashid : Anzela ? Anzela : oh, Hi Shid you are in the market too ? Jashid :  yes zel, i would to buy some fruit, and you ? Anzela : of course, me too. By the way would you prefer banana or watermelon ? Jashid :  hmm, i prefer banana to watermelon, and how about this one which one do you like grapes or mango zel ? Anzela : i like mango. Hmm do you just buy fruits today, jashid ? Jashid  : oh No,, now i have to go to the register because after this i want to buy my mom’s cake Anzela  : okay jashid nice to meet you ! Jashid  : nice to meet you too zela.
Past Perfect Tense I had lost my friend  In Januari 2018, i had gone to hospital for visiting my friend. Her name is Renita, she had cared for three months. I had finished my homework before i went to hospital, And i had read novel. After that i had gone to hospital by Taxi. I wouldn’t have been late. In hospital i had seen Renita had died before the doctor come. I sad and cried just then, i had lost my little friend.
Present perfect continous tense                            Adventurer My name is Ziza, i have been traveling to the mountains to see the sights. In fact, i have been travelling once a week for more than year. Whenever, Ziza  went to the mountain she always went to the same inn. She has been living in that place for at least three days a month for a year. The favorite friend to go up the mountain is Adan. Adan also works there in the mountain, he has been working in there for seven years. But, he has been training lately to become a police officer. Ziza is proud of Adan, because she knows Adan has been working hard in that place for seven years.
                                                                                    BEST FRIEND My best friend his name is Denny Hilmawan and i have been together for about four years. I have known him since 8 th grade, i have known him well enough, he was a kind, smart, and cool. Last week he said to returned to bogor   with his family, of course i was crushed when told me he was going away to bogor this weekend.            So, before he left, i took him to the mall for hangout. Yesterday, before he left, i helped pack him stuff, i had to pack him clothes and pants. And i have also packed some of his jacket and his hat, while he is taking care of the documents he is going to bring with him.            He is leaving, after a few hours, the whole time i kept texting his how much i missed. He has texted me, i have felt happy.